Happy F***n’ Valentine’s Day

15 02 2008


To all you relationship-y people out there, today is a joyous day where you get to celebrate the love you share with that significant other. And for us single folk, today is the day we take a moment to wallow in our loneliness, binge on the chocolate cake we took the liberty of treating ourselves to, and consider that maybe today is the last V-day we celebrate alone BECAUSE…things are going to pick up from here on out.

Yeah, right.

Where’s that damn bag of M&Ms…

Ok, clearly I’m just jealous of all the people out there sharing this day with a special someone.



3 responses

16 02 2008

I know what you mean. Although I am dating someone (of only a month) he was in the field out in the middle of BFE for the Army so I didn’t get to see him. I do see him tomorrow so I’m bringing out the new lingerie I purchased! Whoo! As my blog buddy called V-Day—it’s now Va-Jay-Jay Day if you are single. lol Love that! And no no no on the M&Ms, get some GOOD stuff. Ever had Ghiradelli squares, See’s candy (www.see’s.com) or even Lindt? Oh so good. Forget the waxy tasting cheap shit 🙂

I’m adding you to my blogroll if you don’t mind. I love your stuff!

17 02 2008

No problem -thanks for the compliment : )

But I do have to say…M&Ms are my absolute favorite candy. I’ve been known to take down a pound in one sitting, not that I should publicly acknowledge such a statistic, but it’s ok, cuz I make up for it with an hour of hardcore cardio…

Hope your postponed Valentine’s Day was all you hoped it would be and that your boyfriend treated you well (wink, wink)

18 02 2008

Well if M&Ms do it for you then by all means stick with what works. I say what isn’t broken doesn’t need to be fixed 🙂 Now, if I could get my butt off the couch and do some hardcore cardio I would be better off. *sigh* That’s something I’m trying to work on……

My postponed Valentine’s Day hasn’t really “happened”. I’m not sure if he just forgot or what. However, when he got here Saturday I had candles throughout the apartment, Chinese (his fav) waiting, and lots of kisses and you know what to go around. Actually, the Chinese was absolutely cold by the time we got to it if you know what I mean!!! lol It’s alright, it reheats! So in that respect, my Valentine’s Day was fulfilled from last night. lol TMI?!

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